One of the best aspects of YNAB’s methodology is to save for future expenses and goals. This ensures that you’ll be ready for whatever you’ve planned ahead. Forecasting takes this principle even further and gives you greater visibility over your future.

While planning ahead is also essential with Nova, the other aspects of YNAB budgeting are either greatly simplified or not required anymore.

<aside> 🎯 With Nova, your job is to stay cash-flow positive and use your Free Cash Flows to fund your goals.


YNAB being the most advanced budgeting software, ex YNABers easily make the mental switch to forecasting.

Main differences

YNAB method Forecasting method
Purpose Ensure the money you have in the bank goes to the right place Ensure your current and future money go to the right place
The money you assign $ sitting in your bank accounts into expenses and targets Your future inflows into expenses, savings, investments…
Horizon Present Present and future
Main constraint You can only use your cleared balance to plan ahead Stay cash flow positive now and in the future
How to track spending The “Available” amount on each single category The zone of your Budget Line (holistic view)
Things to watch out - Total Ready to Assign = 0

The YNAB 4 rules in forecasting

YNAB rule Nova rule
1. Give Every Dollar a Job

This means assigning every dollar sitting in your accounts to a category: expense, goal, future expense…

Dollars unassigned: not allowed | 1. Be cash-flow positive

Plan ahead your future inflows & outflows to see if you’ll be cash-flow positive or negative.

Dollars unassigned: Unassigned inflows are automatically treated as Free Cash Flows, which you can allocate to your goals (whenever you want). | | 2. Embrace Your True Expenses

Rather than simply budgeting for the current monthly expenses, YNAB encourages you to anticipate less frequent expenses such as car repairs, annual insurance payments, or vacations. | 2. Forecast beyond this month

Same as YNAB.

| | 3. Roll With the Punches

Each category is a budget that needs to be funded. Whenever you overspend on a category, you need to cover it by reducing another one. | 3. Stay below your Budget Line

It doesn’t matter whether you spend on shopping or going out. What matters is to control your spending pace by keeping your variable expenses below your Budget Line. | | 4. Age Your Money

Break the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle by waiting 30 days before spending the money you earn. | 4. Keep a cash buffer

Beak the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle with a safety net covering 1-3 months of your forecasted expenses. |

Similarities between YNAB and Nova Money

YNAB Nova Money
Bills Recurring forecast
Variable expense Variable expense
Non-Monthly expense One-time forecast
Category: Assigned Category: Forecasted
Category: Activity Category: Spent
Category: Available Category: Left to spend
Mark a transaction as “cleared” Mark a forecast as paid
£1,000 ready to assign £1,000 forecasted Free Cash Flows
Cleared balance Today’s balance
Working balance Today’s forecasted balance
You assigned more than you have You will be cash-flow negative
Reconciliation Balance Adjustment Offline balance adjustment
Target: Monthly Savings Builder Monthly recurring forecast
Target: Spending category: Weekly / Monthly / Yearly Recurring forecast: Weekly / Monthly / Yearly
Target: custom needed One-time forecast
Target: Savings balance Savings goal (coming soon - see roadmap)
Target: Monthly Debt Payment Target Debt free goal (coming soon - see roadmap)
Target: Credit Card Payment - Pay off balance by date One-time forecast, then select the account you’ll pay from
Target: Credit Card Payment - Pay specific amount each month Monthly recurring forecast, then select the account you’ll pay from
Scheduled transaction One-time forecast
Uncleared transaction One-time forecast
Reports/Spending/Trend Analytics/Trend chart
Reports/Spending/Total Analytics/Budget line
Reports/Net Worth (coming soon - see roadmap)
Reports/Income v Expense Analytics/Trend details
Reports/Income v Expense: Net Income Analytics/Trend: Free Cash Flows
All Accounts Balance
Transfer - Category not needed Internal transfer

New concepts

The 6 financial concepts to grow your net worth

YNAB concepts not used