Making plans is good. Making plans that you can execute is better. You can plan ahead your finances by adding forecasts or doing scenario planning.
The 6 financial concepts to grow your net worth
Scenario forecasting and planning
<aside> 🧑‍🏫 Your plans are realistic when they meet these 2 conditions:
Your plans require you to have a given amount of money at some given future point(s) in time. The forecasted balance shows if you’ll ultimately have the money (positive balance) or not (negative balance).
Example: you’re planning to go on holiday in 6 months and need to:
You need to plan all these future payments and make sure you’ll have the cash ready for each payment. You can easily do this with Nova by creating a forecast for each future payment, and looking at your forecasted balance:
Do not make plans where your balance ever gets negative, even if it’s forecasted to return positive after your next paycheck!